Tag: daughters

How to Love Your Body :: Stop Hating It

I had my daughter over a year ago, and the baby weight is still hanging around. I’m not surprised since I haven’t done anything...

On the night before kindergarten…

To my youngest daughter on the night before kindergarten, I sit here in awe of you. You are resilient, full of joy, and beyond ready...

Saying No to Diets and Cleanses for 2019

Ever since I was a preteen, I’ve greeted almost every New Year with that tortured resolution common to many women: some combination of diets...

Raising a Strong Southern Woman

I’m a proud Southern woman and proud feminist, and there are times where I struggle to reconcile the two traits. My daughter is a silly,...

My Daughter Doesn’t Need a Beauty Filter

As a mom in her 30s, I often find myself late catching onto the latest social media trends and apps. Not to sound like a...