I have a confession... I’m not a fan of cooking. Here’s the problem with that confession. I'm a mom, which means I have children that always want to be fed. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and they even demand snacks in...
Right now, as I type this...I sit in my house--almost in isolation. Thankfully, my in-laws are here playing with our daughter while her school is closed. My husband is now having to work from home, and bless his heart...he's...
As the year goes on, many of our New Year resolutions typically fall off one by one. One of the resolutions I made this year, was to send more written correspondence.  I was so tired of opening nothing but...
My girl is turning five in a few weeks. Five! sigh. She's our second and last so I've been perfectly content on holding on to the slightly updated nursery for as long as possible.  I mean how sweet is this room?...
Each of us dreams of having our home organized, direct from the Architectural Digest. A haven which is totally our own, that meets our every need and is unique to our taste. Beautiful in it's presence. With that in mind,...
Restaurants Open in Richmond on Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day is here! We are giving thanks for all of the many ways that we celebrate Thanksgiving.  For some of us that means gathering around a table at restaurant here in Richmond....
  I grew up eating Ramen out of those square packages with a square packet full of chemicals known as the flavor packet. I cringe thinking about it now, but it was definitely a comfort food. I won’t buy them...
I don’t know about you mamas, but when school is gearing up to start back, I start thinking about packing lunches. It’s definitely a chore that I don’t miss during the summer, but it’s also something I’m very committed...
Angie Trueblood is one of our local RVA Moms Blog contributors and owns her own meal planning blog and business, Meal Planning Mama. She spends her time helping busy mamas simplify dinnertime so they can get back to enjoying...
I'm a total nerd about Back to School Shopping. I actually love it. Not so much the clothes, but the school supplies. I'm a sucker for a new notebook. I've become really good at it after four years, and I'm totally...

In + Around Richmond