Three and a half years ago, I moved to the Richmond area with my husband and almost three-year-old son. We knew no one under the age of 90 and I was six months pregnant with our daughter. The thought of finding...
Last year I trained for my first half-marathon. It was a long, 6-month process for me and a huge accomplishment when I crossed that finish line. My two children ran beside me, on the sidewalk, for the last block...
I have a child who likes to color outside of the lines. She zigs when others zag. She is determined to be her own person and find her own way in life. As a family, we struggled to find the right...
We know there are supermoms all over RVA doing amazing things, and we’re honored to introduce you to one today. Our I AM A RICHMOND MOM is…Susan K. Bishop! Get to know more about Susan, and be sure to send her...
I love cinnamon-scented pinecones, mums, changing leaves, hayrides, and little fun-size chocolates. My middle child sings the best rendition of “Five Little Pumpkins” ever. My family loves fall. But behind the crisp morning air, football, and pumpkin spice lattes,...
Richmond Moms Blog is having a Birthday Bash and You're Invited! One year ago, we launched this community with a mission to inspire and encourage parents to embrace the journey of parenthood.  Today we have more than 3,000 women connecting...
In Celebration of Down Syndrome Awareness Month The Down Syndrome Association of Greater Richmond (DSAGR) held its annual Step Up for Down Syndrome walk on Saturday, October 14th. It was a perfect Saturday for a walk. The event started at 8:30...
30 Years Ago... As I listened to Debbie tell the story of her son Joshua, the first preemie baby born at Henrico Doctors' Hospital thirty years ago, I didn't realize that my husband was listening, too. The video ended, and...
One of my earliest memories is of sitting in the basement of my family's church putting together a 1000 piece puzzle with a group of previously homeless men. I say they weren't homeless at the time because they were...
I'm a born and raised Richmond girl from the heart of the Fan. Well technically, I grew up “West of the Boulevard.” It's easier to say the Fan because people who aren’t from here don’t know what WOB (as we...

In + Around Richmond