I’ve spent most of the last 6 years living in a proverbial hole. I was welcomed into motherhood with a baby who screamed for most of his first year and didn’t sleep through the night until well after 1 year....
As a new mom, you want to be prepared for everything. You read all the books, buy all the things, ask all the questions. No matter how much you "prepare" for labor, you can never fully prepare.  Here are eight...
Learning new things generally comes easily to me. I have a master’s degree and a physics degree — summa cum laude. I'm determinedly independent. When things don’t work, I find a way to fix them. Then I had kids. My first child...
Richmond Moms Blog is honored to share this guest post from Shannon Brim, M.D. at Virginia Physicians for Women.    Having a baby is an exciting time! There are so many changes—new routines to get used to, new experiences, new demands, new emotions, and...
When I was pregnant with my first son, I received more advice than I could possibly process. I couldn’t go to the grocery store without people giving me their (often unsolicited) child-rearing opinions. So around the middle of the...
“Tonight I stood next to my daughter’s crib as tears started to build up. How could something so innocent, so beautiful, so wanted, bring so much hurt. Hurt because I feel guilty for feeling hurt, and hurt because after...
Neurotic first-time breastfeeding moms: this niche blog post is for you! If you don't happen to fall into that oddly specific category, please do keep reading for entertainment value and perhaps a wee bit of schadenfreude. Picture me, reader. The year...
I was weeks away from becoming a new mom…for the second time. While I still had excitements and anxieties surrounding the arrival of my second son, I also had a sense of calm and confidence that I didn’t have...
I've mentioned that I'm not as prepared for Baby No. 2 (coming early July!) as I was for our daughter. But one thing that is for sure going to be better prepared this time around is my hospital bag....
"The only Level III Neonatal ICU in the area with a neonatologist onsite 24/7." I was reading up about Henrico Doctors' Hospital's reputation when I read that sentence. It sounded impressive. But I wondered, "What does that actually mean?" It turns...

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