Snack time happens every day at our house and is pretty uneventful. I dole out the food, they eat and we move on. One day after I poured out a bowl of tortilla chips, my first grader asked for...
Let me start off by saying I never thought I was the person that would write in a journal. The idea of writing in one always sounded cool to me but in real life I knew I would never...
My daughter is three years old and I can count on one hand the number of foods she likes. The toddler pickiness is so real with us right now and I long for the days when she starts liking...
On the average day, you would find me going and coming, running my businesses and shuffling my children around from here to there. I’m usually up before 6am and often to bed late in the evening. I throw some...
It is a new year, which means it is a new opportunity to make your self-care a priority. If you have read anything from The91Rewind, you know that this is a very important topic to me. What you might...
There’s a lot of talk and internet memes around the New Year about reinventing oneself and changing. But, I have to say, I’m pretty proud of the current me! Sure there are some things I can improve upon, but...
Ever since I was a preteen, I’ve greeted almost every New Year with that tortured resolution common to many women: some combination of diets or cleanses. Some years, I called it a detox. Others, a cleanse. When I was a...
  I grew up eating Ramen out of those square packages with a square packet full of chemicals known as the flavor packet. I cringe thinking about it now, but it was definitely a comfort food. I won’t buy them...
As the new school year approaches, we know mothers play a critical role in preparing daughters for a successful year. Whether your daughter is going into middle school, high school, or college, it is never too soon to start...
Moms Often Make Terrible Friends Moms get so used to putting their family's needs ahead of their own that often when it comes to relationships outside of their immediate circle, they forget that there are other people who are depending...

In + Around Richmond