What a Richmond Thanksgiving Looks Like to Me
I grew up in Michigan, where my entire family lived within a ten-mile radius of my house.
So when it came to Thanksgiving, what was traditional to me was a huge feast and a flock of...
10 Things to Sanitize this Cold and Flu Season
Sick season in the RVA is no joke.
From November until March, there always seems to be some sort of bug lurking and waiting to latch on. Maybe it's our mild (most of the time)...
Breaking Bad Habits :: 5 Ways to Create Better Habits
We All Have Bad Habits
It's true. We all have our vices, whether we want to believe it or not. For some of us, our bad habits might be blatantly obvious, like sneaking out for...
Carving Out Me Time
I'm an Anxious Person by Nature
In college, my perfectionism led to so much stress that I fell into a dark bout of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I'm not talking about the organizing-your-closet-by-color kind of OCD....
I Took a Sick Day and We All Survived
We've all heard it :: "Moms don't get sick days."
In fact, I think that we as moms have made that statement above one of the harshest realities of motherhood. We've learned to "just deal...
Holding onto Baby
I have three beautiful, wonderful children.
After our third was born, I knew that our biological family was complete.
She has so much life within her. She is bold and vibrant and absolutely adorable.
I often tell...
5 Practical Self Care Actions for Every Mom
When you become a mother, gears are shifted, and everything becomes about your child.
It's pretty much inevitable that your days will become focused on feeding, bathing, nurturing, supervising, and managing your child's health and...
Read Across America Day! 5 Books for the Whole Family
Happy Read Across America Day!
What is Read Across America?
Read Across America is an initiative by the National Education Association that is building a nation of readers. Though it's a year-round program, we celebrate as...
There is a Mommy Uniform that We All Wear
Every Friday morning I meet with a group of Richmond moms that come together to support one another and share life experiences. What a blessing it is to have girlfriends! I'm telling you right now...
Subscription Gifting – Not Your Grandma’s Jam-of-the-Month Club
This time of year is gifting season at our house. Not only do we have Christmas, but my children have their birthdays stacked up in November, January and February. In the past this has...