The Dreaded Mom Haircut


Deanna's New Haircut - The Before

So I did it. I got all my hair chopped off.

You know, cause I’m a mom, and that’s what us moms have to do eventually right? I was nervous about it because I had let my hair get so long. It was probably the longest it had ever been, but I was always putting it up.

I was the queen of the top knot. I feel like the top knot is comforting because it’s super easy. I would just wash my hair, blow dry my bangs, and put the rest up wet if I wanted to. If I woke up and my hair was a little on the greasy side, I would just spray on a little dry shampoo and put it back up in the top knot. It would be my dirty little secret.

It’s comforting to know that if I ever wanted to look sexy and cool, I could keep it down and watch a YouTube video on how to add those wavy effortless curls using my straightening iron. I could be cool if I wanted to. I just chose to sport the messy bundle of hair on top of my head most, if not all, days of the week.

I did take it down just for the before photo, then immediately put it back up. Like I said, it’s nice to know that I could take it down, even if I never really did. But this also illustrates what a bold move I made chopping it all off!

So, I NEVER wore my hair down.

Like seriously, NEVER. We went to a wedding in September, and I was trying to curl my hair, and I shouted to my husband from the bathroom.

“Who does this every day!?!? Do people really spend this much time getting ready?”

With the top knot, I had my getting ready routine down to about five minutes. What if I cut all my hair off and it took longer! That would be so annoying! But I was craving a look or a style that I just didn’t feel like I had. I just felt like a tired mom. (Oh yeah, because I am.)

But…I cut it off and I cannot even express how much I love it!

Deanna's New Style - The After

It takes me 4.5 minutes from dripping wet hair to done and ready to roll. Yes, I timed it. I actually feel like it’s a choice and a style and not just a solution to the fact that I don’t really have as much time for myself as I used to.

I’m not saying that everyone should cut their hair off, too. I’m just saying: maybe there’s something you could do for yourself that could save you time or make you feel awesome! What would that be for you?