Aditi Wadhan Singh

Aditi Wadhan Singh
Aditi W. Singh is mom to two adorable kids aged six and three. She is a freelance writer specializing in positive parents with a focus on cultural sensitivity. She founded the Raising World Children digital magazine which is a platform where voices from around the world are coming together to talk about the synergy of cultures with life. You can find her articles on her blog Mompreneur Life & Silver Linings, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Desh Videsh Magazine and many other publications. Having impromptu dance parties with her two little ones is her ultimate picker upper.

When Our Children Have Irrational Feelings

Not so long ago, when as a young parent, I felt my kids had feelings that seemed totally irrational. Once when a party ended,  my then little guy begged everyone not to leave. He kept...

How Strangers in Richmond Help Me Be A Better Mom

When the question of moving to Richmond came about first in 2009, we were skeptical. Now, though there is no where else I would rather live! After having moved around most of my life,...

This Year Choose to Let Go of the Chaos

Each of us dreams of having our home organized, direct from the Architectural Digest. A haven which is totally our own, that meets our every need and is unique to our taste. Beautiful in...

Even a few seconds of online videos affects our kids

It happened innocently. The little ones when they were much younger, would love watching poems and ABC videos on their tablets. Thinking they were learning themselves, it would be easy to let them be...

Simple Ways to Explore Different Cultures in Richmond

I was blessed enough to enjoy a life lived in three countries, 7 cities. Life was spent as a nomad but I subconsciously absorbed different cultures from my surroundings.  My growth as a person was...
How to Be a Mom and a Friend

How to Be a Mom and a Friend

Moms Often Make Terrible Friends Moms get so used to putting their family's needs ahead of their own that often when it comes to relationships outside of their immediate circle, they forget that there are...

I Didn’t Freak When People Touched My Bump

I am that mom. Who was sick all the time when pregnant. Sick enough to not take pills but horizontal most of the time. Nauseous all day, 24/7 9 months, migraines, too hot or...

Making Your House Work: 7 Decluttering Tips That Just Might Work

Cleaning with kids isn't a challenge. It's mission impossible! There's a knot in my stomach that won’t go away. It appears every time I look around when I see the home in disarray. Toys everywhere,...

S-L-O-W-ing down: How to Live in the Moment and Forget the To-Do List

I've been exhausted for months now.  We moved houses. (Yes! I know...) With prepping for selling the house, then looking for houses, then packing, moving, unpacking, kids, chores, the kids' numerous activities, working and basically...

Making Your House Work for You: Siblings Sharing a Room

When I imagined having kids, I always wanted them to share a room. To be together for as long as they could. Sure, I imagined there may be a time when they would ask...