I’ve mentioned that I’m not as prepared for Baby No. 2 (coming early July!) as I was for our daughter. But one thing that is for sure going to be better prepared this time around is my hospital bag. Here’s what’s making the cut for our second trip to the hospital:
For Labor & Delivery
Grown-up coloring book and markers. I’m a reader, and I took A Tale of Two Cities to the hospital when I had our daughter. I’ll give you a moment to stop laughing. Even after getting an epidural, my brain was going a mile a minute, and I couldn’t focus enough to read. This time, I’m going to try coloring.
Extension cord and phone chargers. Outlets are not placed in hospital rooms for the patient’s convenience, so if you want to charge your phone and use it at the same time, you’re going to want an extension cord.
For Recovery
A regular pillow. Hospital pillows are ok for delivery but awful for recovery. Lesson learned.
Nursing pillow. I used hospital pillows with our daughter and while that was decent, the nursing pillow makes for a much nicer experience.
Cute, comfy clothes. Looking back at the pictures from my daughter’s birth, I’m vainly dissatisfied with what I had on. Despite looking at a bunch of checklists, I didn’t have the benefit of experience to tell me what clothes would work best for me. I definitely want to be comfortable, but I also want to feel put together. I’ve found that helps me feel better. So this time around, I’m bringing:
- A pretty robe. There are a lot of people coming in and out of your room in recovery as you’re trying to figure out breastfeeding. The button-up PJ top I wore last time just didn’t work for me, so this time, I’m going with a robe.
- 2 nursing tanks. I didn’t use these at all with my daughter, but I think they’ll make things easier in the hospital since it will be quicker to get myself put back together after nursing attempts.
- 2 darkly colored pairs of drawstring cropped pants. There is…discharge…that occurs after giving birth. Just trust me that you’ll likely want to stick with navy or black pants in the hospital, ok?
Realistic toiletries. Body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, facial cleansing wipes (so you don’t have to get out of bed to wash your face!), toothbrush and toothpaste, dry shampoo, makeup, brush, bobby pins, daily contacts, and a brush.
Depends. Yes, Depends. I may be the only woman in history not impressed with the mesh undies the hospital provides. Add a pad and ice pack, and it feels like everything is going to slip out onto the floor when you get out of bed. I’m hoping that the Depends will provide more support, and a little added absorbency isn’t a bad thing. (Motherhood is so glamorous, y’all.)
Breast pads. I likely won’t need these at the hospital since I’m not expecting my milk to be in, but I want to be prepared just in case this time around is different!
“Little Brother” outfit. The nurses check the baby so frequently that I didn’t wind up using any of the clothes I packed for our daughter until we were going home. Since Big Sister will be coming to meet Little Brother in the hospital, though, you bet I have coordinating outfits for them.
“Big Sister” gift. A gift for our daughter from her new little brother. I should probably figure out what this is going to be…
For Going Home
“Going Home” outfit. It’s not every day you go home for the first time!
Nursing cover. If he’s like his big sister, he’s going to want to eat while I’m being wheeled out of the hospital!