When my daughter was born I had no idea the pressure I would feel to breastfeed her and the intense guilt and shame that would come when it didn't work out. To be honest I had always felt a little...
Two weeks from today, public schools start here in RVA. Administrators and lead teachers have already returned for the new year. So, you could say that we are in the final countdown to back to school. Some are in...
You guys, potty training my oldest was TERRIBLE. So bad that I have been dreading it with my second basically from the time she was born.  So just to underscore how different these two sisters are, our little one started...
Earlier this week, the British Royal Family welcomed another little prince into the royal succession line. It made headlines but what really got the internet going was the image of Catherine of Cambridge walking out of the hospital 7...
Six years ago, I was VERY pregnant with our first child. We were anxiously awaiting this baby’s arrival. I had no idea how our lives would change so completely. I also had no idea the gender of our child. I’m not...
I’ve spent most of the last 6 years living in a proverbial hole. I was welcomed into motherhood with a baby who screamed for most of his first year and didn’t sleep through the night until well after 1 year....
Last month, my oldest daughter was invited to her first sleepover. She had spent many nights at my parent’s house and even one with an aunt but this was her first time that she was going to be away...
As a new mom, you want to be prepared for everything. You read all the books, buy all the things, ask all the questions. No matter how much you "prepare" for labor, you can never fully prepare.  Here are eight...
I must give the disclaimer that I'm not the parent of a high school student. But as a former high school teacher who continues to work with high school students in academic and other capacities, I have an insight...
Learning new things generally comes easily to me. I have a master’s degree and a physics degree — summa cum laude. I'm determinedly independent. When things don’t work, I find a way to fix them. Then I had kids. My first child...

In + Around Richmond