Almost all of us have smartphones, which means we have a camera within arms reach at any given moment every day. It also means we have the ability to photograph our kiddos all day, every day. And most of us do. Since it’s all digital, you can literally take hundreds of snapshots every day. You end up with a million photos and no idea what to do with them. It’s totally overwhelming.
Cull Your Images
One thing you can start doing today is what the professionals call “culling your images.” It’s just a fancy way of saying you have to get rid of some. I know, I know! The idea of pushing that little trash can is a hard pill to swallow, but trust me, you need to focus on quality, not quantity. Let’s say your kid’s eating a donut. It has sprinkles! It’s so adorable you just have to capture it. Your kiddo moves a lot, so you just keep snapping away. Some of the snapshots are blurry. In some, they’re not even looking. Maybe they blink, or even worse, you get the dreaded half blink. You’ve probably snapped anywhere from 3-10 photos before the donut is gone. But alas, there’s one that’s completely adorable! Cha-ching!
Favorite the Photos You Love
On an iPhone, you can “favorite” that one by pushing the little heart at the bottom of the photo. It will put it in an album labeled “Favorites” and it will make it easier to delete the rest from that series. That’s right. I said it. Delete them. Seriously, delete them. You don’t need the outtakes.
You’re thinking, “How can I possibly delete photos of my kids?!”
I know, it’s hard. When I start thinking like that, I remind myself that when I was a baby my parents had to shoot film and get it developed. They had 24 exposures, and if they snapped a pic of me eating a donut, they just took one. One. They finished the roll of film, waited for it to be developed, and were stuck with whatever they got. It’s such a luxury that we get to take a bunch of photos at one time and pick the best one to keep. If you keep all of the photos, you’ll end up overwhelmed and unable to enjoy your photos as much. The outtakes distract from the winners! So in this case, less is definitely more.
Build an Awesome Photo Collection
Try to practice culling your images each time you take a bunch of one activity or event. Before you know it, you’ll have an awesome collection of snapshots that really tells the story of your kiddo’s life. Here’s the best part: If you end up getting them printed or making an album, you’ll be so happy to just have the best of the best to choose from!