As a woman, we’ve heard all the jokes about moms peeing their pants when they laugh or sneeze too hard. I always knew this really did happen to older moms because of my maternal grandmother. She would cross her legs and fold over clutching her bladder at exactly the same moment she broke out in what appeared to be an otherwise joyful moment of wild laughter. As I got older, I noticed that my aunt and mother also seemed to have the same need to hit the ladies’ room as soon as they started giggling.
That will never happen to me. Why can’t they just hold it or go sooner when they feel the urge?!!
I used to look at them with a mix of amusement and annoyance. Who can’t hold it for just a few more minutes? Why in the world would laughing hysterically make you pee?
Bladder Control Issues Hit Home
Fast forward to today where I find myself the mother of three children via two pregnancies. To say my bladder has been pushed, pulled, and stretched is an understatement.
Lucky for me, observing the women in my family having incontinence issues led me to investigate the matter even before I had my children. By talking with my health care provider, I knew that Kegel exercises before, during, and after pregnancy could help me keep my pelvic floor muscles strong and provide other benefits for my female health.
What I didn’t know until now is that there is great variance in the quality and consistency of the Kegel exercises I was doing. Like some of you reading this post, my doctor suggested that I pick a common daily event to remind me to exercise—like sitting at a stop light. Her directions were simple and easy to understand:
Squeeze like you’re holding in your pee and then release—do it 10-12 times a few times a day.
It turns out I probably wasn’t getting much benefit from those stop light sessions, because three kids later, I have indeed joined the ranks of millions of other women who have to RUN to the bathroom when the urge to pee hits. While many women with incontinence issues cite leaking and the need to wear a pad as indicators of their condition, I can attest that not having the control to hold it is just as frustrating and a direct result of weak pelvic floor muscles.
That’s Where PeriCoach Comes In
The PeriCoach® System is an easy-to-use home device and application that guides me as I do the pelvic floor exercises. When I first opened the box and read the instructions, I am not going to pretend: I was a little intimidated.
“You want me to put an app on my phone that maps out a graph of my ability to squeeze and relax down there?!?”
Yep, that’s exactly what PeriCoach wants you to do. And the guidance in the app keeps you motivated as you can actually see progress in your strength and endurance.

PeriCoach 8 Week Challenge Details
So, if I know what Kegels are and why they’re important, but my muscles are still weak, I must need accurate and consistent practice doing them, right?
Right! That’s why I’m excited to join this challenge! Here are the details on the 8-week challenge:
- Exercise daily with PeriCoach (for a minimum of 5 days a week over 8 weeks)
- Use the app to record in the bladder diary
- Complete 3 simple surveys each month that take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Join me!
This is your invitation to join me and start your journey to better bladder control and increased confidence down there. You can visit to upload the prescription, place your order, and have the PeriCoach delivered directly to your home.
Stay tuned to hear about my progress!