The Gulf Coast Needs Our Help


Hurricane Harvey: How Can We Help?

One week ago today, we shared in a moment of majesty and wonder as the nation stared at the sky for 2 minutes and 48 seconds to witness the first total solar eclipse in more than 100 years. One week later, we share in a moment of devastation and fear as the nation watches Houston and the surrounding Gulf Coast region sustain torrential downpours and the worst flooding the city has seen in more than 500 years.

Some of us have friends and family with feet of water in their homes. We are staying in touch with as they evacuate and wait for the rains to stop, wishing we could help. Others are watching from afar unable to fathom losing everything we owned in the rising flood waters. We live one the other side of the country. What can we do? How can we help?

Below is a summary of resources where monetary donations can be made to help the tens of thousands of families facing total devastation. If you have the means to help, please do. If you have a platform to share this post and ask your friends and family for help, please do. We are in this together.

The Gulf Coast Needs Our Help

8 Ways to Donate:

HEB Disaster Relief

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

Red Cross

Salvation Army

San Antonio Food Bank

Houston Food Bank

Central Texas Food Bank

Texas Diaper Bank