Do you listen to podcasts? When I polled my mom friends, we were all over the map – some like myself, listen daily, while others have rarely or never listened.
If you are in the latter camp, podcasts are basically for radio, what Netflix or Amazon Prime are for shows – a way to listen to what you want on demand with few commercials, except there is no monthly subscription.
What’s not to love?
It’s awesome to listen to podcasts when my hands are busy accomplishing something else – the dishes, sorting laundry, jogging, making dinner, or even vacuuming (if I turn the volume up).
Podcasts keep me up to date in the world on the things I care about, they encourage me, they teach me. Sometimes it feels like I’m getting another college degree just by listening to podcasts.
Let’s get to it – what are some of the best podcasts for parents?
Moms Don’t Have Time To Read Books is great for getting a snapshot of a book or author you are interested in. Zibby Owens interviews authors about their books in a short 20 minute time segment. It’s very helpful for learning more about books you are interested in or finding out about new books.
Another reasonably short podcast is 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms. In just thirty minutes, Rachel Nielson discusses all kinds of topics from money management to self care to avoiding bedtime battles. Since the focus is on three takeaways, it doesn’t ramble and is easy to follow.
In The Mom Hour, Meagan Francis and Sarah Powers discuss pretty much every Mom topic under the sun, from potty training to chores to helicopter parenting to your motherhood time capsule. Check them out to hear all kinds of interesting and applicable topics discussed.
The Don’t Mom Alone Podcast by Heather MacFadyen is exactly what it sounds like – an encouraging podcast for Moms. Covering a wide variety of topics that a Mom might find interesting, this podcast gets it all done in 50 minute segments. Everything from marriage to friendships to the Enneagram and motherhood are explored. The podcast has a Christian bent to it, but you can still get a lot out of it even if you aren’t religious.
There are even parenting podcasts local to the Richmond area! Sleep expert, Becca Campbell, can help your kids get on the path to better sleep. Littls Z’s Sleep Podcast covers all sorts of topics relating to your child and sleep. Every parent knows how difficult sleep is with young children – Becca can help address specific issues and her podcasts will encourage you in your family’s sleep journey.
If the above recommendations seem a bit tame to you, #MOMTRUTHS with Cat & Nat might be more your style. You’ve probably seen at least one of their YouTube videos shared on facebook. These two moms don’t pull punches or clean up their language, they give it to you straight. They’ll have you laughing and will lighten up your mood as they discuss any topic that comes to mind.
YouTube videos also have a lot to offer parents.
Smart, funny videos about parenting speak my language and there are plenty.
Kristina Kuzmic has a ton of hilarious and encouraging videos on YouTube. She is not afraid of embarrassing herself in pursuit of making a point of how hard parenting can be. Kristina talks honestly about divorce, bullying, parenting, and hiding in your pantry from your kids -ha!
You have probably seen The Holderness Family YouTube videos shared by your family and friends on facebook. Their hilarious videos about Christmas jammies, taking kids on an airplane, marriage, and a variety of other funny topics will keep you laughing. They also parody many popular songs into videos, kind of like “Weird Al” from back in the 90s. As parents and business partners, Kim and Penn started a podcast in 2018 that talks about topics such as learning to love your weirdness as a parent, continuing to like your partner, and fighting fair in your marriage. They’re a bit all over the place in the podcast, but the authenticity in their relationship comes through.
Another hilarious vlogger is Tiffany Jenkins over at Juggling the Jenkins. Her YouTube channel description is “Making funny and meaningful videos about motherhood and addiction.” Tiffany feels like she would be your friend in about five seconds. A bonus is that she often plays different characters in her videos and they are off the charts funny.
Tiffany Jenkins is friends with another funny and unabashedly sarcastic mom, Meredith Masony over at her channel That’s Inappropriate. You might have also seen Meredith’s videos shared around facebook as she rants about various common parenting problems such as dirty laundry and cleaning the toilet. Recently, Meredith and Tiffany have started to team up for some videos and have started a podcast together called Take it or Leave It: Advicish for Parents.
Bonus non parenting recommendations:
Pantsuit Politics – are you tired of hearing everyone arguing about politics? Do you avoid politics because all everyone does is blame “the other side?” This podcast is for you! Listen to Sarah and Beth (one from the left, one from the right) discuss current political issues in a normal, sane, pleasant, and nuanced way. It will help restore your faith in humanity and give you hope for the future of politics.
A quick 15 minute podcast that focuses on The Next Right Thing is a great encouragement to start or end your day. Emily P. Freeman has a deeply soothing voice and covers a variety of encouraging topics that help you ponder your life.
Freakonomics – if you love learning about how economics affect every possible subject, this is a great podcast for you. Topics range from sports to creativity to the world bank.
If you listen to podcasts at all, you’ve probably heard of Revisionist History by Malcom Gladwell. Malcolm explores fascinating, little known stories throughout history. If you like random facts and a great story, this podcast is for you.
A bonus YouTube channel for all you lovers of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is The Lizzy Bennet Diaries. A fabulous retelling of Jane Austen’s classic story that will keep you watching to the end.
That about wraps it up, although I’m sure there are a TON of other great podcasts and youtube channels! Share your suggestions in the comments so we can check them out.
And don’t forget, sometimes having ear buds in makes the kids fighting with each other downstairs fade into the background a bit. And that my friends, is another useful thing to get from podcasts or videos.
Happy Podding!
Yay! Love your suggestions! I also listen to Young House Love podcast sometimes to hear about home DIY and other randomness they like to share about parenting, decorating, and home upkeep.
That sounds interesting! I will check it out. Thank you for suggesting it!
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