Tag: change
How to Ruin Your Valentine’s Day
This sweet day of love has an enemy.
I know because I’ve invited it to come out and spoil my birthday, weekends, Mother’s Day, and...
Discovering My Passion, Every Two Years
Here’s a well-known fact about me: I have had LOTS of interests in my life. Discovering my passion did not feel like a sack...
Yes, I’ve Changed
Not long ago, I recounted a recent Jumpology playdate to a friend of mine. I laughed as I showed her videos of the boys...
Is it okay to be “ignorant” while I’m a Mother?
I’ve never been a news junkie. My husband reads the news multiple times a day and has his own opinions on what’s happening domestically and...
Creating Traditions When You Travel for the Holidays
Looking back at my childhood Christmases, some of the key things I remember are those things we did every year: helping my mom set...
Meet Becca: On Uexpected Chapters + Coming Home
If I’m completely honest, if you had told me two years ago that I would be moving back to Virginia, living with my parents, working...
It’s About Time Richmond! A Summary of TEDxRVAWomen
It’s About Time: To celebrate women as a community. To change the conversation. To come together and use our diversity as our strength.
This was the theme...
Pieces of Mommy
My two year old says a lot of surprising things. Every day there is a new phrase or a new word. It’s an exciting...