It’s almost time for Cupid to send his little arrows soaring, folks. Have you already made plans for you and your sweetheart? Or, do you plan to spend the day loving on your whole family? Maybe you’re single and...
When my husband and I started dating... I assumed his video game tournaments, card games, role-playing game nights, and overall emotional investment in characters that did not exist would fade away as he “matured.” I was WRONG (about the fading...
My husband is active duty in the United States Army National Guard and spends at least one weekend a month away from home. In our marriage, we spend up to a year apart with brief visits to actually spend time...
Can we be honest with each other? I'm a little over all the blog posts, magazine articles, and even podcasts telling me that this stage of life with young(ish) children is hard. I know it's hard already. I'm livin'...
When I was pregnant with my first son, I received more advice than I could possibly process. I couldn’t go to the grocery store without people giving me their (often unsolicited) child-rearing opinions. So around the middle of the...
I was done. I quit. I believe the exact terminology used was, “We're done! There's nothing you can do. I'm divorcing you. Your daughter is living with me, and you can come see her, but I'm not going to put up...
Relationships are hard. There are 101 things that make being an adult an adjustment. And then you add another adult into the mix making it even more of a challenge. Now, put both adults who are having a hard time...
Let's start with the first question you're asking: Why would you ever consider a home date night? Don't get me wrong—I'm a huge fan of dates away from home. But when you have 4 kids and a husband enrolled in seminary...
My husband wears a t-shirt that reads, “Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.” If that's true, Richmond is a blessed city. Richmond was the first city to sell canned beer back in 1935. Today, there...
I recently wished a friend of ours who is expecting a “Happy Mother’s Day.” She responded with a confused look and stated, “I am not a mom yet.” This conversation was then taken up with the owner of Richmond Moms...

In + Around Richmond