My 3 Favorite Quick and Easy Fall Recipes
Fall is absolutely one of our favorite times of the year.
We love how the temperature gets cooler and the days are shorter. There's more time for cuddles indoors and family dinners. Its a season...
Parade of Burn Out
“Why can’t you take her?” This is what my husband asked me when I told him he would have both our younger daughter and our 7-year-old when he went out to do errands today....
Stop asking me if I am okay.
Why do people do this? I used to be a therapist and one of the first things that they teach you is to not ask someone if they...
A Gunman Killed 12 People in My Hometown
I spent the first 20 years of my life in a small town in California that most people had never ever heard of until this morning. As soon as I moved away to go...
My One Regret Buying a Minivan
I vowed I would NEVER own a minivan.
What could be more depressing than turning in my “hot mom” card for the least sexy vehicle on the planet? I felt like my kids had...
I Am Raising An Entitled Child, On Purpose
It was the 8th day of school and I was already sitting in the principal’s office with my daughter’s teacher and her principal listening to how my daughter left the classroom without asking, would...
Take Your Judgment and Shove It
“Wow! You did such a great job on this party, well the place you paid to host it did I guess. It must have cost a fortune! I didn’t see Leah on the invitation...
Spring Cleaning Made Me $3,000
Spring is here (despite this crazy weather) and with the season change comes time for cleaning out all those rooms and closets. Facebook has a new marketplace feature where it is super easy to...
Life Hack for Bullying
Bullying is not always something that we are prepared for handling as parents. But, unfortunately, it is almost guaranteed that at some point in your child’s life that they will encounter some form of bullying...
A Checklist For Surviving Your Kid’s First Sleepover
Last month, my oldest daughter was invited to her first sleepover. She had spent many nights at my parent’s house and even one with an aunt but this was her first time that she...