Tag: work life balance

7 Decluttering Tips That Just Might Work

Cleaning with kids isn't a challenge. It's mission impossible! There's a knot in my stomach that won’t go away. It appears every time I look...

The Hows and Whys of Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Last year was a roller-coaster ride. A new phase of life welcomed us as my son started kindergarten and my daughter started preschool. I found...

5 Practical Self Care Actions for Every Mom

When you become a mother, gears are shifted, and everything becomes about your child. It's pretty much inevitable that your days will become focused on...

In search of happiness or fulfillment?

"If you achieve all your goals, you will be happy!" That’s what I was told as I grew up. I achieved all the goals: became a college...

How a Massage Helped Me Be a More Patient Mom

A full hour massage seems a bit indulgent, right?  You're a busy MOM for heaven's sake, not a Lady of Leisure! Well, if you didn't have...

Perfect Parenting

I saw these words on the cover of a magazine and thought of how unrealistic this title was. Even if the article perfectly described...