Post-work day is a challenge. It was a challenge before I had kids and with each additional child, it seems to quadruple. Getting dinner on the table with some sort of nutritional value (thanks to my amazing hubs for...
Ready or not, Thanksgiving is next week! The eight of us are about to scatter all over town (or the country) to celebrate with family and friends, and make memories to last a lifetime.  Some of us are stocked...
In April, Caroline and I flew to Texas for my best friend’s wedding. At 11 months, it was Caroline’s first time on a plane, and my first time taking her on a trip by myself. Being the Type A...
Never in a million years did I ever think that I’d be a stay-at-home-mom. Before I had my son, my dreams and priorities revolved around climbing the corporate ladder and earning a fat paycheck. As the first person in my...
As a mom who works outside the home, I find that I’m incredibly protective of my free time with my daughter.  For the past year, our 18 month old has gone to sleep within an hour of getting home from...
A full hour massage seems a bit indulgent, right?  You're a busy MOM for heaven's sake, not a Lady of Leisure! Well, if you didn't have a chance to read Holly's post about self care last Wednesday, she reminded us that we...
The final members of this diverse group of moms that are bringing you original content and insight on Richmond Moms Blog are two moms who have been at it for a while now; what you might call experienced mothers....
My two year old says a lot of surprising things.  Every day there is a new phrase or a new word.  It’s an exciting phase to wake up and wonder what she will do or say that makes me...
Our local Richmond Moms Blog writers are excited to share their stories of parenting humor, horror, and humility with you. The next three mamas have been in the game long enough to know a thing or two, but with...
I saw these words on the cover of a magazine and thought of how unrealistic this title was. Even if the article perfectly described what the author thought of as a perfecting parenting style for them, it might not...

In + Around Richmond